Lower Chakras Healing. What keep you Stuck




Do you engage in negative self-talk? Struggle with low confidence? Do you feel inadequate or not enough compared to others?

Are there situations where you reject yourself before others can reject you? Do you wish you were more kind to yourself? Do you feel stuck in a cycle of self-doubt & frustration?

If you said yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place. In this blog post, I’ll share three negative ego programs keeping you stuck from healing the Lower Chakra.

When you heal your lower chakras, you can manage your negative thoughts & emotions. Why? Because you finally understand where your emotional pain is stemming from. Note that I said ‘manage’ your negative thoughts & emotions, and not control them.

Transcending your negative thoughts & emotions doesn’t work in the long run either. Because the underlying root cause isn’t addressed,


Lower Chakras Introduction

Chakra 1, 2 and 3 form the personality matrix, also called the Ego. The first chakra houses the Subconscious mind. The second chakra houses the Instinctual mind. And the third chakra, the Conscious mind. Together, the first three lower chakras dictate the quality of your everyday thinking.

On an average, we have both positive & negative thoughts.

Let’s call the part of the personality matrix (or ego) which gives rise to positive thoughts as the Positive Ego.

And let’s call the personality matrix giving rise to negative thoughts as the Negative Ego. When a person has an ego problem, or they have a big/inflated ego, they are operating from their Negative Ego.



What keeps you stuck in Negative Thinking

Your negative thoughts don’t appear out of nowhere. Painful experiences stored in Chakra 1 and 2 become the source of your negative thoughts.

On a typical day, your thoughts are a mix of both positive & negative thoughts. So by extension, your ego is a combination of both, positive ego & negative ego. The latter is what keeps you stuck in negative mindset & what you must heal.

It’s easier said than done. Because healing this negative ego means:

  • You can no longer deny or suppress your emotional issues
  • You will have to accept the negative aspects of your personality & learn to work through them

Your emotional pain exists for a reason. And it loses charge only when you stop running away from it.


Why common suggestions to let go of ego don’t work

If you were to look online on how to handle your negative thinking, you’ll come across suggestions like –

  • focus on your strengths & not weaknesses
  • Improve your social skills
  • And the quintessential, let go of your ego & comparisons

While these are excellent suggestions, they don’t work in the long run. They don’t address the root cause of your negative thinking; which is the negative ego construct.

Healing the negative ego means healing the pain in your lower chakras, that’s the first three chakras.


An analogy for understanding negative programs running in lower chakras

Think of the lower chakras as separate software programs.

Say Chakra 1 is Abode Photoshop, Chakra 2 is MS Word and C3 is MS Excel.

If there is a bug in any of these software programs, you know these programs won’t function as designed.

Using this analogy, consider there are inbuilt bugs in our lower chakras. Every single human has these bugs unless cleared from the lower chakras. And these bugs will undermine your efforts in healing your negative ego.


Program #1

The first bug impacts the second chakra. The key themes connected with the sacral chakra are sex, sexuality, and relationships. The bug exists to perpetuate the misuse, and abuse of our sexual energies.

What keeps this bug in place is our social conditioning. For example, reflect on the blatant use of sex in advertising, and social media. The rampant availability of pornography material. The normalization of things like child abuse & trafficking, genital mutilation, and non-consensual sex.

All these factors color our perception about sexuality and give rise to:

  • Sexual predators, sexual slaves & victim,
  • Unhappy marriages. Because there’s a disconnect b/w your exposure and lived reality

Trauma & Abuse in their sexual relations creates blockages in the Sacral chakra. And this inherent pain keeps men & women at war with each other.

Most of us on this planet are not taught that our sexual organs are sacred.

Our sexual beliefs get formed through exposure to online forums, movies & even friends. We rarely explore what healthy sexuality entails.

Know that the Sexual Misery bug exists to siphon & manipulate your sexual energy. Sexual misery is a sensitive topic & you want to address it with tenderness & compassion.

You can heal & reclaim your sexual energies through a dedicated self-inquiry process. And in the process, neutralize this negative program running in your second chakra.

A good place to start exploration is to reflect upon questions such as:

  • Where in your life – you have consented to misuse of your sexual energies?
  • How has it served you?
  • What must you heal in your sexual history?


Program #2

The second bug impacts the third chakra. This bug tricks you into inferiority or superiority thinking. Why can this bug manipulate you? Because of the pain logged in your emotional wounds.

Our brain processes data instantaneously, so most of us are not aware of how our thoughts come into being.

Say your spouse or boss overlook you before making an important decision. How would that make you feel? It might trigger feelings of low self-esteem, or not good enough, or even unworthiness.

Another name for Inferiority or superiority complex is Victim/ Victimizer thinking. Both of which are polar opposites & abusive to your soul. Worse, this level of thinking perpetuates the existence of the negative ego construct.

The default victim/ victimizer mindset polarizes your thoughts. Meaning, your default thinking is either good/bad, higher/lower, right/wrong, etc.

Your thoughts are no longer in harmony or neutral. And you’ll find it challenging to make space for creative ideas.

The best antidote to heal the victim/ victimizer program is to

  • Become aware of your thinking from a moment to moment basis.
  • Reflect on how you think, especially in charged situations.


Program #3

The third program impacts both your first and third chakra. This program’s #1 agenda is that it keeps the fear program running in your nervous system.

For example, many scenarios can trigger fear. Such as news about the end of the world scenarios or WW III. Evening news blasting news about economy crashing. Or the reality of the food prices going through the roof, can trigger any sane person into fear.

When our sense of safety is threatened, our body automatically goes into fear. And worse, we have no awareness that our nervous system has activated the fear response.

When fear becomes our default state of being, it creates inner violence & suffering.

The best antidote against this bug is to:

  • befriend your nervous system,
  • become aware of people, places, things, times & events that trigger fear.
  • learn to regulate your Nervous System


These three programs/ bugs come preloaded in our chakras when we are born on this planet. And they continue to negatively impact us, until we address them.


Practical Steps for Healing Lower Chakras

Number One, Awareness is the Key. First step is to educate about the existence of these bugs & how they keep you stuck in negative thinking. 

Number Two, commit to observing & inquiring the source of your thoughts & behaviors. Reflect on where are your thoughts stemming from? Are you simply reacting or thinking through things?

Number Three, create a daily meditation practice to reclaim your body, mind & spirit.



  • Learn about the three inbuilt programs in your Chakras. As they undermine your psychological & spiritual growth. Whilst keeping you mired in negative thinking.
  • If you want a sovereign mind, then healing your Lower Chakras is non-negotiable.
  • A dedicated self-inquiry process will raise your self-awareness. And it will help you shift out of negative mindset & patterns.


Additional Resources

Negative Ego & Personality: https://tinyurl.com/3kbkvut4

Facing sexual wounds: https://tinyurl.com/6hkcu7va

Sexual Misery: https://tinyurl.com/4kkpused

On Victim Victimizer Program: https://tinyurl.com/mryvcu5e

On Warring & Competition Program: https://tinyurl.com/bdhxmb7e

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