How to Heal Root Chakra





Do your fears stop you from moving forward? Do you feel stuck in a survival mode? Are you always moving homes and lack stability in life? Do you struggle with feelings of not enough?

If you said yes to any of the above questions, you might have a blocked Root Chakra. In this blog post, I will share practical tips on healing & balancing your Root Chakra.


The Necessary Ingredient for Root Chakra Healing

Before we deep dive into the work of Root Chakra healing, know that the #1 ingredient you need for your journey is your feelings. You can’t touch, feel, or see your chakras. Your feelings are the only way to get present to chakras & their intelligence.

Feelings are generally not straightforward. What you think and feel about a situation can be diametrically opposite. You could live in a mansion & still feel poor inside. You could have a million dollars in the bank and still not feel enough. You could be a CEO and still feel insecure with those lower in the ladder rung. In all these examples, your feelings get you present to how you perceive the world around you.

If your goal is to heal your Root Chakra, then you want to leave your intellect at the door & step into the world of your feelings. You will quickly learn that chakra healing is not an intellectual process.


Functioning of Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine in the physical body. It is connected with feeling safe & secure, at a psychological level.

The human body has different auric layers. The first layer of the aura houses the Root Chakra, is also called the Etheric body.

The level of mind connected with this Etheric layer (and hence the Root Chakra) is the Subconscious mind, which acts as a hard drive of all your experiences, from this life, and other lifetimes.


How do you know if your Root Chakra is blocked?

The Subconscious mind keeps track of all of your memories, especially those of abuse, shock, trauma, and devastation, not just from your current life but also from other lifetimes.

These memories make themselves known through your chronic fears. If a fear shows up repeatedly, there’s usually a story attached to it. Say you died in a plane crash in your past life (a trauma experience). Perhaps, in your current life, you have a fear of heights or a fear of traveling in planes. This is partly how the past painful memories impact you.

Whenever your physical body is holding onto trauma, it colors how you think. Chances are, you tend to see life through the lens of either a victim or a victimizer.

Trauma memories also tend to polarize how you think and process information. You tend to label circumstances as good or bad, positive or negative, higher or lower, rich or poor, and so on. In other words, you think in terms of extremes (think black & white) & usually, there’s no middle ground.

You can become conscious of your thinking patterns by cultivating self-awareness, and become present to the contents stored in your Subconscious mind.


How to visualize your Root Chakra

An excellent visual for the Root Chakra is to imagine the deep, penetrating roots of a giant Oak tree.

Using this analogy, reflect on the areas where you don’t feel grounded. Where are you not standing in your full power? Perhaps there are areas where you are seeking external love, validation, and even acceptance. Again, it’s a feeling question and not an intellectual one. So you want to get present to the painful pockets in your consciousness & work towards shifting the dynamics in these situations to heal your Root Chakra.


How you build a strong foundation?

Healing your Root Chakra usually involves building a sturdy base foundation. A couple of suggestions:

Number One, learn how to work through your Fears. That is, acknowledging your fears and taking time to FEEL them without disowning them. When your body holds on to fear, your nervous system becomes dysregulated. Learning to soothe & calm your nervous system is paramount.

In my experience, one of the best ways to heal your fears is by #1 Naming them & then second, identifying their root cause

Another suggestion for healing your Root Chakra is to get present in areas where you don’t feel enough. Where are these beliefs stemming from? Confront them so you can change them for good.

Number three, learn to establish healthy boundaries. Work on building your self-esteem so that you have your back in all situations.

The next suggestion is to actively address your beliefs around insecurity, self-alienation, and lack of safety & security. Confronting situations where you are not self-assertive or when your inner critic takes over. These belief systems will weaken your Root Chakra.


Characteristics of an Overactive and Underactive Root Chakra

An integral part of healing the Root Chakra involves understanding when this chakra becomes underactive or overactive.

When the Root Chakra is underactive or blocked, you tend to see life through the lens of a victim. Your predominant thought patterns are thoughts of survival, feeling unsafe, or feeling disconnected from the material world.

An overactive Root Chakra manifests as bully/ bullying energy. You tend to have an intimidating energy. And your predominant thoughts are still colored with fears of survival and not feeling safe & secure.

Ideally, you want your Root Chakra to be in balance. Neither too open nor blocked.


Reasons why the Root Chakra becomes blocked?

There are two key reasons that add to imbalanced in the Root Chakra. First is false beliefs around safety & security that get passed on through the generations. The second is embodying distorted masculine energies.


False sense of safety & security

In our culture, what we are taught about security means more money, a big house, and material possessions. You can have a billion dollars in your bank account and still feel insecure. Your ultimate security comes from trusting god & spirit. It comes from knowing that your supply is limitless.


Wounded Masculine Energies

Regardless of your gender, you have both masculine & feminine energy inside yourself. When the masculine energy becomes predominant, we call that wounded masculine.

Your biological father is the first introduction of masculine energy in your life. Your early interactions with your father forms the blueprint of your masculine energies. If you didn’t receive adequate love & nurturing, then it is highly likely your masculine energies have become distorted or wounded.

Across most cultures around the world, men are taught from a young age to gain power & control, to deny or minimize emotions, or to use intimidation or bullying to get their way. Some religions even normalize violence. Recognize that such beliefs are passed down from one generation to another.

Reflect on your relationship with your biological father, and ask yourself which aspects of that relationship weren’t peaceful? What did you wish was different about your relationship? What are the things you didn’t receive as a child? And most importantly, how can you give those things to yourself?

Because as you start healing the dynamics in this relationship, the inner masculine & feminine energies will come into balance. And you’ll correct the imbalances in your Root Chakra.


Practical steps to heal the Root Chakra

  • Actively working on addressing any pain, fear, or trauma you have experienced in this life. So you can go beyond it & learn to trust yourself and others again.
  • Learning to balance your masculine & feminine energies. This includes inner child healing and healing the relationship dynamics with the primary male figure in your life. You must also commit to bringing your emotions into neutrality.
  • Cultivating harmony within & with others. So that you don’t feel threatened/ bullied, or victimized by others.
  • Changing your belief system so you are not looking for safety & security in material things but in your connection with god & spirit.
  • Consciously developing virtues of goodness that guide the way in your life. These could include virtues of Purity, Generosity, Patience, Kindness, Discipline/Conservation, Diligence, and Humility.
  • Consciously working with the positive polarity thought forms of love, safety, gratitude, abundance, ease, and connection with the spirit and material world so you build an inner sense of safety & security.


Additional Resources

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