The Beginner’s Guide on the 7 Chakras



by Kiran Bedi in Chakra Series


In this article. I explain the workings of the 7 Chakras in the human body. In it, you’ll find topics such as the location & function of the 7 Chakras, and how to open & balance each of the 7 Chakra. If you are a beginner to the topic of chakras, then this article will give a high-level overview of the 7 Chakras.

The best way to open & balance your 7 chakras is to consciously work with them.

If you want to evolve spiritually, then understanding the workings of each of the 7 Chakras will help you discern the energies and themes you’ll be working with in your journey.

What are Chakras?

A Chakra is an energy center. Whenever two line of energy cross, they create an energy center.

Technically, there are thousands of energy centers in the body. What makes the 7 Chakras special, is that in the location of the 7 Chakras, the energy is highly concentrated. It is also the location where the major endocrine glands dump their hormones.

  • The Endocrine Gland associated with Chakra 1 is the Adrenal Gland
  • The Endocrine Gland associated with Chakra 2 is the Testis & Ovaries
  • The Endocrine Gland associated with Chakra 3 is the Pancreas
  • The Endocrine Gland associated with Chakra 4 is the Thymus Gland
  • The Endocrine Gland associated with Chakra 5 is the Thyroid Gland
  • The Endocrine Gland associated with Chakra 6 is the Pituitary Gland
  • The Endocrine Gland associated with Chakra 7 is the Pineal Gland


Functions of the 7 Chakras

Chakras increase the circulation of energy or life force in your body. When the 7 chakras are in balance, you don’t get disease or pain. You feel harmony in your body.

Chakras also bring about spiritual growth and development of consciousness.

    • The Root Chakra is connected to your physical needs, and related to things we need to feel safe & secure in our life
    • The Sacral Chakra processes our emotion. We can call this your emotional processing center
    • Your Solar Plexus Chakra is your center for will & determination
    • The Heart Chakra enables you to feel & express love
    • The Throat Chakra is how you express yourself through your voice in the world
    • The Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra is connected with Inner vision & Intuition
    • The Crown Chakra brings awareness of other realms or even planets. It is related to Ascension.

    In most people, their first 3 chakras are active while the rest are dormant.


    Chakra 1

    Location: The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, and is responsible for the unconscious involuntary functions of the body through the central nervous system, e.g. breathing, digesting, excretion, etc.

    Color: It is represented by the color red because it transmits & receives red color spectrum of frequency.

    Mind: The level of intelligence connected with Chakra 1 is the Subconscious mind. And the main function of your SC mind is data storage. It is a storehouse of every single experience you have had in this life and every other lifetime.

    The Subconscious Mind acts like a hard drive for all your memories. It can’t compute the data stored in its hard drive, doesn’t know right from wrong. And it does not judge the data. So the onus of programming this mind lies on your shoulder. That is, you have to assign a new meaning to the painful memories stored in the hard drive.

    Synthesis: A way to check if this chakra is open & balanced – is to ask – do I feel safe & secure in the world? If not, what stops me from feeling safe? Usually, it’s the unconscious memories of shock, trauma, fear in the data storage that prevent you from feeling safe. So to open and balance this chakra, You want to commit to healing these painful memories. And second, commit to overcoming your fears.


      Chakra 2

      Location: The Sacral Chakra is located about 2 inches below the navel, and lies close to the Sacrum bone. Any imbalances in this chakra will manifest as problems with the kidneys, bladder or the reproductive organs.

      Color: The Sacral Chakra is represented by the color orange because it transmits & receives orange color spectrum of frequency.

      Mind: The level of intelligence connected with the Sacral Chakra is called the Instinctual Mind or the Desire Mind. It’s main function is that it conveys the data from your feelings & feeling experiences into the hard drive of your Subconscious mind. How you instinctively react to situations (your instincts) are influenced by the content lodged in the Sacral Chakra.

      Synthesis: Since the Sacral Chakra has everything to do with your feelings, a way to balance and open the Sacral Chakra is through: Committing to healing your relationships, committing to clearing your negative emotions, and mastering the choice of thoughts and emotions that you allow yourself to experience.


      Chakra 3

      Location: The Third Chakra is located in the upper abdomen & energizes the digestive organs. It sits next to a set of nerve ganglia in the stomach area.

      Color: The Solar Plexus chakra is represented by the color yellow because it transmits & receives yellow color spectrum of frequency

      Mind: The level of intelligence connected with the third layer is the Conscious mind or the Reasoning mind. Sometimes it is also the ego mind. Its main function is to reason, and it acts like a filter in how you perceive the world at an ego level.  

      Most of us don’t realize that our brain is bombarded with information every moment of waking hour. So this 3rd layer acts as a filter that organizes the data. It directs what you are going to pay attention to and which to skip

      Synthesis: A way to balance and open this chakra is to understand that thoughts are things. Every single thing starts with a thought. And so you want to have mental discipline & discern which thought you are going to entertain and which ones you will reject.


      Chakra 4

      Location: The Heart Chakra is located in the chest area. It enables us to form loving bonds with others.

      Color: It is represented by the color green because it transmits & receives green color spectrum of frequency

      Mind: The level of intelligence connected with the fourth chakra is the Astral mind and connected with the Astral Plane. The main function of the astral mind is that it helps us connect with the Super Conscious mind.

      Synthesis: When working with this chakra, we want to transmute our painful emotions from the second chakra through unconditional love and forgiveness.


      Chakra 5

      Location: The fifth chakra is called the Throat chakra & it is connected to speech. It is about spiritualized will through communication.

      Color: The Throat chakra is represented by the color blue because it transmits & receives blue color spectrum of frequency.

      Mind: The level of intelligence connected with the fifth layer is the archetypal mind. And the main function of your archetypal mind is this – that is acts like a higher mental body.

      Synthesis: A way to balance and open this chakra is to – say what you mean and mean what you say. Meaning, the words you choose to communicate should represent who you are. Doing what you said you were going to do. Not gas lighting or lying or misleading others through your communication.


      Chakra 6

      Location: The sixth chakra is called the Third eye – because it is located in between your eyebrows.

      Color: The sixth chakra is represented by the color indigo because it transmits & receives indigo color spectrum of frequency.

      Mind: The level of intelligence connected with the sixth layer is the angelic mind. And here you feel love as a force.

      Synthesis: A way to work with the sixth chakra is to synthesize the polarities between good/bad, higher/lower, right/wrong and so on.


      Chakra 7

      Location: The seventh chakra is called the Crown chakra because it is located at the top of the head

      Color: The 7th chakra is represented by the color Pale violet because it transmits & receives Pale violet color spectrum of frequency.

      Mind: The level of intelligence connected with the seventh layer is the Ketheric mind. And is associated with the higher mind, integration as a spiritualized being and the freedom of spiritual blindness.


      How to empower yourself with the information of the 7 Chakra?

      • Become aware of thoughts. That’s step 1. If you have too many negative thoughts, then commit to clearing them.
      • Step 2, pay attention to your emotions and emotional triggers & conflicts. What are the circumstances that throw you off-balance? Start making a list of them – that alone will give you clarity. 
      • Step 3, pay attention to your relationships. Especially the ones you need to heal or improve. Everything we discussed for Chakra 2 is a good place to start



      If you are a visual learner, then check out the video on the 7 Chakras below:


      Additional Resources

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